Friday, September 4, 2009

Blount Punch Video

Blount Punch Video:- Legarrette Blount, Oregon football player, punches out Byron Hout, Boise State player after the game. The Oregon’s troubled running back, shocked the football world last night with a blindside attack on an opposing player after the Ducks’ upset loss to Boise State.Legarrette Blount, who was suspended earlier in the year, went ballistic, sucker-punching Byron Hout after he knocked his pads and seemingly talked some trash. Boise State’s Byron Hout appeared to tap Blount on the shoulder during postgame interactions, before turning away, only to take a Blount sucker punch to his jaw that floored him.Hout momentarily fell to the ground as Blount continued his rampage, taking a swing at a teammate and going after fans in the crowd. Broncos coach Chris Petersen rushed in to separate him from further incident. Coaches and players on both teams tried to restrain Blount, and were only finally able to get him off the field with the help of security and police. While some are calling for Blount’s suspension, if not banishment, from the team and sport, others are asking what exactly Hout said that caused such a scene. Blount was particularly atrocious in Thursday’s game, netting negative five yards on eight carries including being on the wrong end of a safety.For his actions today, then Blount apologized saying:“I just apologize to everyone that was watching this. I just apologize to all of our fans, all of Boise’s fans. I lost my head. … A few guys wished me a good game, a few guys pushed me and I just kind of lost my temper.”

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