Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jaycee Lee Dugard Picture

Jaycee Lee Dugard Picture:- Dugard is a victim of kidnapping and years of raping by Phillip Craig Garrido and his wife Nancy. She was abducted at the age of 11 while waiting for a school bus. Ever since her reappearance on August 26, media have been battling to get an inside story. So far, only the close relatives of Dugard and neighbors of Garrido have opened up to the press.

Interrogation and psychological profiling have brought to light new details about Nancy’s role in the abduction of Jaycee, and her 18-year-long captivity.
Prosecutors have now charged Nancy with “an active role as a participant and accomplice in the assaults on Jaycee”.
The 54-year-old Nancy will also face four charges of forcible rape, two charges of rape and seven charges of forcible lewd acts apart from the charge of kidnapping.
The Daily Express quoted the detective as saying: “These counts are likely to put her behind bars for life. But, surely, they represent only the tip of the iceberg. I doubt we will ever know the full extent or frequency of the horrific attacks that were perpetrated on an innocent young girl who must have been terrified out of her mind. She may have been sexually abused hundreds, even thousands of times and it is now clear that the abuse was not at the hands of Phillip Garrido alone. Nancy played an active part.”
Its now known that Nancy, a trained nursing assistant, delivered both girls that were born to Jaycee during her confinement.
Ted Cassman, a California criminal defence attorney, said Nancy would not be able to use the claim of having been “brainwashed” by her husband to her defence.
“It may well be true that Phillip Garrido was abusive, controlling and dominant. But even if she was, as it were, under his spell, the fact that she took an active part in the abuse of Jaycee will be more than enough for a jury to convict,” he added.
Detectives believe Nancy could have influenced her husband to abduct Jaycee.
A senior source said “Nancy was unable to have children,” said a senior source, “and we are investigating the possibility that Jaycee was abducted with the specific intention of providing babies to complete a ‘family’ for the Garridos.”
“Phillip Garrido has been painted as a monster. But we believe we are dealing with two monsters here - him and his wife,” the source added.

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