Thursday, September 3, 2009

Man Slaps Child in Walmart

Man Slaps Child in Walmart:- I was shocked to hear that a strange man walked up to a crying 2-year-old girl in a U.S. Walmart store and slapped her repeatedly across the face. The incident must have terrifying for the mother.

61-year-old Roger Stevens threatened that if the mother didn't shut up her crying child than he would do it for her. He then proceeded to slap the toddler across the face 4 times.Another Walmart shopper grabbed Roger Stevens and held him until the authorities arrived. Roger Stevens has been charged with felony cruelty to a child.

In the CNN News report video posted below the reporter asks the question "What would you do to get a kid to stop crying?" While raising my kids I would leave the store immediately if they began to cry (they soon learned that crying got them no where and stopped) and I admit that I find it annoying that someone will continue to shop for an hour with their child screaming non-stop.But the man who slapped the child in Walmart has some serious anger issues, and the fact that he attacked a toddler is frightening. If you can't handle being annoyed by other people than you shouldn't leave the house, and you definitely shouldn't be shopping at a busy Walmart. This guy should be punished to the full extent of the law.

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