Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jaycee Dugard Daughters Photos

Jaycee Dugard Daughters Photos:- Jaycee Dugard daughters photos are under the hunt now. The only available shot is one with their faces blurred in the British tabloid press but you can tell they are what appear to be normal girls on the surface wearing normal teenage fashion. The reports now are alleging that they cried when their crazy, sick Dad, Phillip Garrido was arrested. The story has been top billing since it was broken about a week ago and I am sure there are photos angling to get more detailed photos of Jaycee and her daughters.
Contra Costa police are now searching the backyard of the Phillip Garrido residence Monday, Aug. 31, 2009, in Antioch, California. Authorities are taking the case into the next level in case there are links to the unsolved crimes against Garrido and his wife, Nancy of Northern California.
It was Garrido and his wife, Nancy, have been charged in the 1991 kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard who was 11 years old at the time.
The reunion of Jaycee and her daughters with Terry Probyn was “emotional and joyous,” said an FBI agent who watched the family come together after 18 years. “So Terry, right now, is understandably just ecstatic,” said FBI agent Chris Campion of the Sacramento field office. Campion has been the officer on the file from the start of the investigation… There’s going to be a period of adjustment, no doubt, but they’re doing very well at this point. And the two daughters are probably as happy as Jaycee is to be part of this family as well.”

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